Thursday, March 20, 2008

I'm losing my mind

I've been having those days lately where I walk around the house thinking "I was going to do something, what was it?" I'll walk into the office and think, "I know there was something I was supposed to do on the computer." I just kind of walk around trying to remember why it was I came this way. It's severe mommy/pregnancy brain.

So, Tristan is morphing into a weird kid (ok he's been weird for a long time). Weird in a good way but still... He's so funny sometimes the things that come out of his mouth. Like at dinner he has started saying things like "Mmm, this is delicious Mom, thank you. You did a good job making this." Um, thanks, you strangely polite boy, where's my son? But at least he does have manners. If he doesn't want something, he'll say no thank you. He might scream it if you ask him more than once though. It'll be more like "I SAID NO THANK YOU!" Maybe he's just so happy that we are eating real food again, not just what my first trimester tummy could take. That and with Doug home last week, we actually did eat a little better. But the "did you cook this Mom? It's delicious, thank you." just cracks me up. He's just funny.

And it has finally taken a break from raining today. We have had so much stinkin rain, I don't need to see anymore. Our yard is a complete mud pit, thanks to the rain and Dora running around. I wouldn't mind rain so much if I didn't have to wipe Dora down every time she comes in. And it is actually hard to see mud on a black dog. I'm hoping and praying we have a nice dry summer like last year. No rain, no grass growing because really me mowing the grass at 8 or 9 months pregnant does not sound fun.

Monday, March 10, 2008

We got SNOW!!!

We finally got a real snow here in Kentucky. We got about a foot in a day and we still have a little left. Although it will all be melting the next couple days and then we will be flooding. But Saturday was a real snow day. Doug, Tristan, and Pandora (our dog), were all out playing and sledding for a couple hours. I stayed inside and took pictures. Lucky me, Doug is home. He's here for a week and a half and then gone again. And lucky him, he gets to go to 2 doctor appointments with me. We went on Friday for just my regular monthly check up. Everything is going good. This Friday I have another ultra sound, so Doug will actually get to go to one while he's here. Timing just worked out so nice this time.