Thursday, June 26, 2008

He's never coming out!

Just in case anyone is wondering.... no, no baby yet. He's never going to come out. I've done all the little wives tales to try and get labor started. Nope. The nurse at my last visit "stripped" me to try and get things started. Nope. I've had just a couple pains, nothing big, but I've had some other "signs" that things should be coming soon. And I really thought he would be here by now, but no, he's not coming out. He's very low, he dropped weeks ago, so I'm kind of doing the waddle now. And because he's so low, I don't look as pregnant as I did. As Doug says, it looks like I just have a big gut. Gee thanks. You be the judge.

Anyway I did take some pictures of our new remodeled house. For anyone who lived in the old Van Voorhis duplexes, here's what they look like now. And no, I never clean before I take pictures. New and improved kitchen.

Tristan's pirate room.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

We Moved!

Well I moved about 2 weeks ago. I had one day's notice. The movers came to look at how much stuff I had and decided it would take two days to move me half a block down the street. It just so happened he stopped at someone else house first and she took the days I wanted. And of course they were booked then until the end of May. So the guy went back to the office to check more dates, gave me a call and said "I just had a cancellation for tomorrow, you want it?" I thought "Sure, why the heck not. I don't have the keys yet, let me check if I can get them." So the next day, I moved. Luckily my parents came down to help me, I couldn't have done it without them. Mom and I did most of the unpacking and arranging and Dad did all the heavy lifting and moving things around. No way could I have moved some of the boxes. As it was, the 3 days on my feet made my ankles and feet swell up to comical proportions. I never had swelling with Tristan but I seriously should have taken a picture of my feet. My legs were like one size all the way down. So lesson learned, don't move 7 1/2 months pregnant if you can help it. We still have books in boxes because our bookshelves fell apart on the move. And I haven't hung pictures yet. But if I ever get the place looking decent, I'll put some pictures on. We still need to set up the baby's room too. And Doug is back. He came back early which has been nice, but of course brought all his stuff back and we haven't quite got that all put away yet either. It doesn't help that he came back last Thursday and had to work Friday all day. Overall I do like the new place. The kitchen and laundry room is nice. And I love having the master bathroom. I just can't wait to get settled. Must be that nesting instinct again.