Just in case anyone is wondering.... no, no baby yet. He's never going to come out. I've done all the little wives tales to try and get labor started. Nope. The nurse at my last visit "stripped" me to try and get things started. Nope. I've had just a couple pains, nothing big, but I've had some other "signs" that things should be coming soon. And I really thought he would be here by now, but no, he's not coming out. He's very low, he dropped weeks ago, so I'm kind of doing the waddle now. And because he's so low, I don't look as pregnant as I did. As Doug says, it looks like I just have a big gut. Gee thanks. You be the judge.

Anyway I did take some pictures of our new remodeled house. For anyone who lived in the old Van Voorhis duplexes, here's what they look like now. And no, I never clean before I take pictures. New and improved kitchen.

Tristan's pirate room.