So, for my delivery story... it was much better than Tristan. I can almost see why people have more than one kid. Labor with Tristan was horrible. It was long, painful and of course, no epidural. I screamed so much, I lost my voice having Tristan. So compared to that, Gavin was a breeze. I started having contractions on the 26th in the evening, they were 10 minutes apart and went all night long. Then at 5am they started up 5 minutes apart. So I got Doug up and told him to get ready and by the time we were up, dressed, and ready, the contractions were getting stronger and closer. So we sped to the hospital, luckily early enough in the morning there was no traffic and Doug did 50 in a 25, ran the red lights and passed cars because I kind of felt like maybe we wouldn't make it. But we did. We got to the hospital and my contractions were about 2 minutes apart, I was 3-4 cm. So I start asking about my epidural because I was starting to be in pain and I don't like pain. Well they admitted me, took blood and waited for that to come back and had to wait on a doctor and then call the guy and then finally about 2 hours later I got my epidural. Which was sooooo nice. I LOVE the epidural. I felt nothing, literally nothing. Couldn't feel my legs, nothing. It was so weird but nice. I didn't think I was going to get it in time either because by then my contractions were about a minute apart. So after the epidural took affect I tried to nap a little and watched my contractions on the monitor. They really went down and I thought "No, they're going to take the epidural away or give me something to get them going again", but I was still doing good, it just didn't show up on the monitor for some reason. So as I'm laying there all comfy and numb, I send Doug to make a phone call and a few minutes later I feel the head drop more. A nurse came in and I said, "I felt him move down". So she sent in the doctor, who peaked under the sheet and said "OH, it's time to push". Well we have to wait a minute because my husbands not here. So they are getting all ready, gowned and all that and I'm freaking out because Doug is still not back. So I'm like, can you look down the hall, go yell for him or something. The doctor keeps saying it's ok, we'll wait for him. Doug finally walks in, he stopped to get coffee! I'm laying there with a head ready to come out and we're just waiting on him. So I pushed a couple times, the doctor asks Doug if he would like to catch the baby. And surprising to me he said yes. So he's down there looking and making faces and telling me way more than I wanted to know about what a baby looks like coming out. Well the faces he's making are making me laugh and I can't push because I'm laughing at him and yelling at him to quit looking or quit making faces or I'm going to put a bag over his head. So I pushed about 10 times total and out came Gavin and Doug did deliver after the head and shoulders were out. I hear multiple people telling Doug "He's slippery!", which did not make me feel to good about how he was catching him but ok. So out came this little purple guy.

And then he started screaming and boy can he scream! But then he pinked up and looked like a normal human. And then something kind of weird happened. I got the shakes from labor and the epidural. It was so weird to be shaking and shivering and I couldn't stop and I couldn't hold Gavin because I was shaking so bad. But they came and took the epidural out and then it went away and about 3 hours later I could feel my legs again. Overall, this delivery was soooooo much nicer, actually almost enjoyable because it was pain free. And I felt a lot better than what I did after Tristan. I came home the next day and time has been flying since then. Gavin was not a fan of sleeping at night at first but now he is sleeping at least 5-6 hours through the night. We are getting on somewhat of a feeding schedule. He has been out to dinner and was very good and he has been shopping twice and slept through it both times. He just definitely does not like the night time. He can nap all day and eat every two hours on the dot almost, but as soon as it hits about 10pm, bam it's crying time. Still can't complain too much because he sleeps all night once he's asleep.
Tristan is a very good big brother. He gets toys out for Gavin to look at and he talks to him when he's crying. And his favorite thing to say when Gavin's crying is "babies just cry a lot". Like it's something he's just accepted. Thank goodness he's not to bothered by it. He is becoming just a little jealous of all the holding time Gavin gets, but I make sure that Tristan gets his fair share of the cuddles too. And Tristan is just so happy that Mom can sit on the floor and play with him again. It's been a couple months since I was able to get down on the floor and play with him. Well, get down and be able to get back up