I didn't even watch all the political stuff last night. I knew I wouldn't be up late enough and I'd hear about it this morning. I'm just so glad it's over. I was so tired of all the political commercials with the "he did this, he voted this way", "no I said this and voted this way". Uh. I agree with my Mom, why can't they just say what they are for, what they want to do and stop with the negative ads. I guess it would be a perfect world. It would also be a perfect world if it wasn't so much about race. So there is a black man that's President now. Can't we move past race? He's still just a man. Get over his color, look past that. What's he going to do for our country? So finally the political commercials are off and now comes the Christmas rush.
October and early November is too early to be playing Christmas music in the stores. And this is coming from the biggest fan of Christmas. I love Christmas, it's my favorite holiday. But while I'm still shopping for Halloween stuff is not the time I want to be listening to Christmas music. And I never realized how many toy commercials there are until I went from watching Disney channel or PBS kids to Nick Jr. Oh my goodness. We are only watching commercial free PBS kids from now til after Christmas. Every new toy Tristan sees, he wants. Every commercial, even it's a doll or girl toy or baby toy, he wants it.
So, Doug is home again. He came home last night, dropped all his bags and stuff throughout the house and went to work this morning. He's home for a couple weeks, leaves, comes back for a while, leaves again....so it goes. But Tristan is so happy to have his Daddy back and poor Gavin doesn't know him. I feel sorry for military kids sometimes. When Tristan got up this morning, Doug wasn't back from PT yet and Tristan saw he was gone, you could see the worry and disappointment in his eyes when he asked "Where's Daddy?" I told him he would be back soon and he was relieved. I'm just happy Doug will be here for the holidays. He'll be gone all around them, but home for some the good family times. I'm lucky and thankful for that.