Saturday, January 26, 2008


Be very quiet, shhh. I think it's gone. The all-day-forever-lasting-morning sickness is gone. I don't want to jinx it though, so shhh, it's a secret. But I'm finally not nauseous all the time. Still have weird food aversions though. But I finally feel like cooking again and I actually ate vegetables last night. The thought of eating vegetables before now made me sick. But we had orange chicken with carrots and broccoli and rice last night. Not bad. Until now my diet has been pizza, spaghetti, lasagna, and hamburgers. Pretty much junk food.

So on to the next problem. I went shopping for some maternity pants. I have my big belly pants from the first time, but I'm not quite big enough for them yet. And I have two pair that fit me now, but I'm getting tired of them. So the problem? I'm 5ft 3in and all the clothes are made for 6ft tall women I swear. What short people don't get pregnant? Yes, I know get them hemmed, but that just sounds like to much work. I'm going to head up to Louisville next week and hit the maternity stores up there. They have to have short fat people clothes up there.

Tristan has been behaving better in school since we started doing homework at home. He has been working with the teachers more at school and even asking to do work. Big surprise to his teacher and me. But we have been doing his preschool book at home everyday and he's doing pretty good. What's really funny is to ask if he got in trouble at school. He'll say no but then tell me everyone else who got in trouble that day and what they did. I know he doesn't get in trouble because everyday they get a "I made good choices" card and a prize. Yesterday he brought home a book for making good choices. So I know he's not lying anyway. But it's really funny to hear what some of the kids get in trouble for. And the way Tristan tells it, it just sounds so scandalous. "He was yelling inside", no way! Oh the lives of preschoolers.

1 comment:

Angie said...

Try Old Navy. They have jeans in "ankel length" for us short people. Also, I have a few things I can send you. Just send me your address via

Glad to hear your sickness is finally gone. Now, enjoy that wonderful 2nd trimester cuz that will all be over soon!