Gavin is on his way to being an athlete. With all his rolling and scooting. He almost fell off the changing table because he scooted until his head was hanging off. I was putting away his clothes and he was crying, I looked back and there he is hanging his head off the edge. I about had a heart attack. He's rolled over two more times and boy is he fast. He gets up on one knee and kicks and bam, he flops over. It's not a nice slow roll, he just flips over. But his new playmat is silky material and he can't get any traction on it, so he can't stay on his knees to move anywhere. And I kind of think it makes him mad. He still tries though. He reaches and grabs the material and tries to get up on his knees. He's outgrown two of his cutest jammies and it's so sad. They are so cute with little teddy bear feet and puppies on them. But since he can't straighten his legs in them anymore, I've put them away. It's sad when they grow so fast and you can see it by little things like that. Just all of a sudden they're too big for jammies, then too big for the car seat, then too big to be held like a baby. They grow too fast.
And I have to brag just a little (because I can and I want to). I went to my 6 week check up and I've lost 5 extra pounds from my pregnancy weight. I've been back into pre-pregnancy clothes for a week or two now. It's like "yeah, I'm back to where I was before I got pregnant" and also "I was this fat before I got pregnant?" So hopefully with breastfeeding I can lose some more weight. Although I'm sure if I quit eating like I was still pregnant, I would loose even more. I can't help it, I'm addicted to cookies now. Gavin won't let me eat egg rolls, my spaghetti sauce, anything spicy (and I've been craving spicy foods, wierd), or drink pink lemonade. Well I can eat those things but then I'm up all night with a fussy baby. So for now I will eat plain food and drink juice and water. And then have 6 cookies for dessert:)