Gavin is four months old. I can't believe it's been four months. He is just getting so big. He's been eating cereal for about a week now. He is a hungry little boy, well he's not so little. He weighed 15.7 lbs and is 25.5 in at his four month check-up. He is obviously growing well and he is doing everything he is supposed to. It just makes me so proud to be able to mark all the yes boxes on the developmental chart.
So what else is new... Tristan had his last soccer game Saturday, yea! No more early and cold Saturday mornings. He was so proud of the trophy he got. He says he won "40 80 60 games". Ok.
Tristan carved his pumpkin tonight, and when I say he carved it, I mean it. He was a little scary with a knife but there were no accidents. And he did a good job. It turned out cute, or scary according to Tristan.
Halloween is his favorite holiday now. He has such big plans for decorating the house and having a Halloween party. They are good plans, they are just not going to happen. He wants a maze in the back yard and all kinds of decorations. He'll be one of those people who go all out for Halloween. We have some very cool houses in our neighborhood. I need to go take some pictures. Some people put a lot of work into their decorations and I can't help but wonder, where do they store it all? It's some big stuff and we have no storage here. They must have storage sheds somewhere but their houses are impressive. Here's mine.
Not quite as impressive.
Happy Halloween to everyone. Have a spooky night.