Thursday, January 10, 2008

Just a little news update

Hope everyone had a nice holiday break. We had a very nice Christmas break and relaxing New Year's. We went to Illinois to visit family for Christmas and thanks to my 2 present rule, we were able to fit all the new toys in the van. It actually was a tight fit. Because although I limit the grandparents to two gifts each, there are aunts, uncles, and cousins who get in on the gift giving and we still end up with a lot of new toys. Tristan is thrilled of course. We came back here for New Years and did a lot of nothing. Doug had to go back to Ft Stewart on Jan 3, so I made him help pack up all the Christmas stuff before he left.

I had a parent-teacher conference this week and learned that Tristan is just as stubborn at school as he is here. And he tries to negotiate with the teacher too. She said he is very smart and can learn anything he "wants" too. If he doesn't want to do it, it's like pulling teeth. And he talks non-stop at school. I was a little surprised at that, but during the conference he sat with the assistant and I never heard her say a word, it was all Tristan talking. So his big problem is sitting down to do any kind of paper work. So we are doing homework now to get him used to doing writing and stuff like that. Of course he would rather play. He's a boy.

And I had a very quick doctor's appointment today. All is going good. I've lost weight, I'm not surprised, I can't eat much still. I got some answers to my questions and it is so nice to get a straight answer from a doctor. In Germany, I never felt like I got a good straight answer and I'm having some of the same problems I had with Tristan. So it was nice and I scheduled my ultrasound for Feb 12 so we can possibly find out what we are having. Although I'm still going with a girl because I want one and this is kind of a different pregnancy. I have a lot more morning sickness and food aversions. And something really weird, with Tristan I was always hot and with this one I'm always cold. Maybe that built in furnace just hasn't kicked in yet but it's weird. But anyway, that is all my exciting news for now, I know the world is waiting with anticipation for the day when morning sickness is gone. Oh happy day when it comes!


Angie said...

It took four pregnancies for a doctor to tell me this solution to my morning sickness. Take a half a Unisom at night before you go to bed. The take Vitamin B6 in the morning (I just ate a banana). Trust me, this works. Good Luck!

Unknown said...

A stubborn little one?? I guess the apple doesnt fall far from the tree:)