So much has been going on lately, where to start? Well the move went ok. I was so sick the days the packers were there and for the drive up here. We had a couple of good guys, they worked long both days and decided they either needed another day or another guy. We have a LOT of stuff. But it got done. And on this end I see only one thing that got some damage. Not too bad. Of course I can't find the pegs for Gavin's bookshelf, but that's not broke, that's lost. So pretty good move. On move in day, we signed the lease, hurried to go through the house, the movers were here waiting to unload, they started unloading and it started raining. Luckily it wasn't to bad. We have a short driveway and they brought everything through the garage so it didn't get to wet. I had seen the floor plan for the house but not the dimensions, so I had no idea that it is smaller than our place at Knox. I didn't think it was possible to downsize from that. But the rooms here are smaller and awkward shapes. I didn't like it at first but now that I'm settled and a little unpacked, it's ok. I think I like it. The kitchen and living room are open to each other, so that's nice. I'm happy with the way things are set up now. And I really love that Tristan rides the bus to school and we are one house from the bus stop! Although that was some fun for a couple days. We went to his school on Thursday to finish registering him and met his teacher and class. He is the celebrity right now. They told us at the school that he is the last stop being picked up at 7:55, he gets to school at 8:05. Wow long bus ride. But on the way home he is the last stop and he wouldn't get to his stop until 3:50. School gets out at 3:00. So the secretary kind of whispered to me, the bus (and school) is K-8th grade, it's rowdy, if she was me she'd pick him up after school. So I said let's see how he likes it, if it's bad I will pick him up. I was kind of worried too about him being on the bus that long with all those big kids. So my parents and me and Doug are sitting here at 3:25 on Friday and my Dad says he thinks he hears a bus. I look out the window to the corner, no bus. Then someone is trying to open the front door (it really sticks). It's Tristan. He walks in shrugging his shoulders and says "I missed my stop, I didn't hear him call my name". No big deal, he just found his way to a new house on his first day at a new school, riding the bus for the first time. I couldn't believe it. He wasn't supposed to be home for another 25 minutes. So on Monday morning Doug asked the bus driver what time he gets to the stop in the afternoon and he said about 3:20. Well now that's not so bad. So yes he can ride the bus. Although Tristan missed his stop on Monday too, but he hasn't missed it again. Oh and big change from Kentucky that cracks me up. It was 29 degrees here one day and the kids went out for recess. It could be 40 in Kentucky and it was to cold for the kids to go out. Tristan's new school is pretty small and that might be a good thing. There is one kindergarten class with about 20 kids. And the school is K-8th grade and is smaller than his old school that was K-3rd. He seems to be adjusting well and making friends.
I didn't think it would be weird living back in Pekin, back "home", but what's weird is living here in my own house and being close to family. When I lived here, I lived at home. I never had my own place in Pekin. I never thought of that before. But it's strange to be so close to family and they can just stop by. Strange. But that was the whole reason to move here instead of Texas, so I can have my family (who I'm very close to oddly enough) here for help and support. And I can tell you not only are the kids going to be spoiled but me too. I'll miss having grandma and grandpa around for help.
Gavin is still growing up to fast. Grandma had the great idea of holding his hands and walking with him. So now that's all he wants to do. If you try to sit him down, he stays stiff, he wants to stand. He is standing at this little Pooh table we got him for Christmas and last night he cruised from that to his saucer. If there was more stuff to hold onto, I think he would be cruising. Tristan cruised around the coffee table, but I don't use a coffee table anymore. Tristan also got his first black eye on the coffee table. I still have the table, it's just a plant table usually. I don't know what it will be here. In the garage probably. But Gavin loves the new house because it has carpet and he can crawl so much better. He hunts me down here. He tries the kitchen first and then goes down the hall to the bedrooms. I love that he just crawls to a bedroom to play. It's usually Tristan's room, it has the best toys of course. And Gavin finally started saying Mom. I wake up to "Mom, ma, mommomom, mum, mom" It's just so sweet those first Mom's. It's not even close to his first word but it's his favorite to say now. His first word was hi. Then bath. Anyway Doug is coming back for Tristan's birthday (hopefully) and I figure at the rate we're going, Gavin will be taking his first steps.